Queen Mary Crescent, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN3 1JT

01302 882221



Kirk Sandall Infant School




Roles and Responsibilities

The Designated Senior Member of staff for Safeguarding (Child Protection) /Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is:

Nina Brannon (Headteacher)

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are: Claire Robertson (Deputy Head), Katie Homyard (KS1 Lead) and Carolyn Buckley (Executive Headteacher)

Our role is to act as a link between families and school and put you in touch with a variety of agencies should you
need any support for your family.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, we need to work together.

Ways in which you can help the school

  • Please let us know about anything that might affect your child, or other children in the school. We might be able to help.
  • Let us know if your child has a medical condition or has had an accident.
  • If your child is absent from school please let us know on their first day of absence. We may be able to offer support.
  • If you move house or out of the area and don’t need your place at our school please let us know this too.

What can you expect from us

  • A safe environment for your child to learn that complies with safeguarding in education legislation and guidance.
  • We will respond promptly to any problem you tell us about.
  • Our staff will offer support and assistance when needed.
  • We will take good care of your child whilst they are with us. We will talk to you about anything we see that we are worried about.
  • We will keep accurate up to date records.
  • If your child transfers to another school we will share important information with them that will help to support your child’s move.
  • We will contact you if your child is absent and you haven’t let us know why.

The designated teacher for looked after children is: Kerry Savage

The named CSE lead is: Nina Brannon

The named FGM lead is: Nina Brannon

The named on-line protection officer is: Katie Homyard

The named complaints handler is: Nina Brannon 

The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is: 

Contact Details:01302 737748


More Information

Executive Headteacher/Senior Manager: 

responsible for implementing policies and procedures, allocating resources to the safeguarding team and addressing staff safeguarding concerns.
Name: Carolyn Buckley Tel no: 01302 882221

Designated Safeguarding Lead / Child Protection Liaison Teacher or Officer (DSL/CPO)/ Head of School: 

senior member of the leadership team, responsible for dealing with safeguarding issues, providing advice and support to other staff, liaising with the local authority, and working with other agencies.
Name: Nina Brannon Tel no: 01302 882221

Deputy Child Protection Lead / Teacher or Officer(s): 

a member of the teaching, support or pastoral staff, in a post which requires assessment of children, with sufficient status and authority to effectively deputise for the CPLT/O
role above. Cannot be an administrative or finance worker.
Name: Claire Robertson Tel no: 01302 882221

Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo): 

staff member who provides advice, liaison and support for school staff and other agencies working with pupils with special educational needs and their parents or carers.
Name: Katie Homyard Tel no: 01302 882221

Looked After Children (LAC) Designated Teacher: 

promotes the educational achievement of ‘looked after’ childrenwho are on the school roll, and helps staff understand issues that affect how they learn and achieve.
Name: Kerry Savage Tel no: 
01302 882221

E-safety Coordinator: 

to develop and maintain an e-safety culture within a school.
Name: Katie Homyard Tel no: 
01302 882221

Learning Mentor (or equivalent): 

addresses difficulties preventing a child from reaching their full potential e.g. behaviour, attendance, achievement, timekeeping, homework, safeguarding issues, and develops strategies to overcome these barriers.
Name: Pennie Pemberton (Inclusion Lead)

 Tel no: 01302 882221

Our trust safeguarding statement is available here.

Where can I go to get support to help keep my child safe online?

 KSIS Behaviour Policy 2024 copy.pdfDownload
 FINAL Complaints Procedure Version 7 20032024.pdfDownload
 FINAL Kirk Sandall Infant Health and Safety Management Policy Version 6 December 2023+_prot.pdfDownload
 Safeguarding Policy Version 9 Kirk Sandall Infant School 14072023.pdfDownload
 KSIS Uncollected Children Policy 2023.pdfDownload
 KSIS Safeguarding Guide for Parents 2023.pdfDownload
 KSIS Prevent Policy 2023.pdfDownload
 KSIS First Aid Policy 2023.pdfDownload
 KSIS Domestic Abuse 2023.pdfDownload
 KSIS Children Walking and Cycling to and from school alone 2023.pdfDownload
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