Queen Mary Crescent, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN3 1JT

01302 882221



Kirk Sandall Infant School



Transition into school can be a daunting one for young children and so we try to ensure that both parents and children are aware of the process to support those joining our school.

Once a child is part of our school community, transition does not stop for them! As a school we are mindful of each and every step that the children make as they progress throughout their educational school during their  years with us and beyond.

Transition into our nursery is an important part of the whole process of induction to our school for the young three year olds. 

We hold an induction welcome  meeting for parents/carers in June, prior to the children starting at KSIS.  At this meeting we outline the main procedures for the nursery, highlight key aspects parents/carers need to be aware of as well as give a tour of our provision and meet the Leadership Team and the Nursery Team. 


For a copy of this year's Welcome Presentation from nursery, please click here.


In July, we will visit our new families' homes and get to know your child in their familiar setting. This is an opportunity for your child to meet their teacher and for the teacher to start to establish a relationship with them. Meeting their teacher in a low-key way in their own home means your child will have a friendly face to recognise – and feel reassured by – when they start school.

In September we also have a comprehensive induction process to facilitate the smooth transition into the nursery both for the parents and pupils.

  • Your child will be allocated a 'Key Person' so that they can quickly build up strong relationships  

Please note: It is important to note that transition into the main school from Nursery is not automatic and you do have to re-apply under normal Reception intake regulations.

The admissions process into the main school has to be completed again as set out in the admissions policy and procedures. There is no automatic entry into the main school from the nursery.

Once an offer has been made and accepted the transition process begins.  This transition is an important part of the whole process of induction to our main school. It is as follows:

Transition into Key Stage One (Year One and Two)

Transition into Key Stage One begins in the latter part of the Summer term when we prepare the children to move from Reception into Y1.

A series of visits are made to the new classrooms and the children acclimatise to the new classrooms and the routines through the three day visit in July. Information is shared between class teachers and  children and welcomed into KS1!

Transition to the Junior School...!

This is the final transition we support your child through. There are close links made with the junior school. A programme of activities are planned in the Summer term, inlcuding a play time visit, a lunch visit, an orientation session, opportunities to meet the teachers and understand the routines and expectations in Y3 and beyond. All childrne in Y2 are allocated a Y5 'buddy' who helps them through this process and supports them in September. All Y3 children are invited to the junior school for three days transition in July. Identified children may also have enhanced transition packages to help to prepare them for life at the junior school.




Welcome to Reception